FAǪs for Employer

This recruitment platform caters to recruitment requirements of all industries in the healthcare sector. For example Pharma, Medical Devices, In-Vitro Diagnostics, Biotechnology, Lifesciences, Hospital (all departments), Pathology labs, Radiology centres, Ayurvedic Pharma, Homeopathy, Nutraceuticals, Laboratory & Scientific Instruments, Hospital Furniture, Surgical and Sutures, Disinfectants, O.T. and ICU equipment and many more.

Yes. This platform is for the jobs in all departments/functional area in healthcare sector.

GetMedJob platform is for posting of all department jobs by the prospective employer. All departments like Sales, Marketing, Production, R&D, Regulatory AXairs, Manufacturing, Ǫ.A., Digital Marketing, I.T Hardware, I.T. Software, Biomedical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Corporate Communication, Front Desk, Accounts & Admin, Purchase, Logistics, Finance, Audit, Vendor & Supply Chain Management etc. are available on the platform. Basically it covers all departments in any industry of the Healthcare Sector.

Yes, you can post a job for free. However, the free job post comes with a limited time as well as visibility to the quality candidates matching your job requirements. We recommend you to avail any of our premium service oXerings to get maximum advantage and find highly suitable and relevant candidates.

We oXer a bouquet of services that suits all size of companies. You may pls visit Pricing (Clickable link) for information on all our services. In case, need more information, pls write to us at info@getmedjob.com.

Yes, you can send us the test and we can create the same.

GetMedJob is the only recruitment portal that is dedicated to Healthcare sector jobs. You might have experienced that your job post gets number of interests from candidates who are not suitable for the job posted, on other online recruitment portals. So it becomes a tedious task for the HR to screen couple of relevant CVs from a heap of irrelevant CVs.

At GetMedJob our motto is “quality not quantity” in terms of interested candidate’s CV matching your job description and other criteria.

As an employer you can run your own assessment test including personality test etc. ensuring you get the right candidates from a pool of candidates. Conducting online test has never been so easy!

Yes it is possible. Get in touch with us and we can run your customised Assessment/Aptitude Test online across India at multiple campuses, simultaneously. It’s easy and quick. Results are displayed immediately at the end of the test.

We regret to inform that “No Refund” shall be given for the points purchased to avail a service. Also any points yet not consumed shall reflect In your wallet for the period of validity of the same. Once the validity is over, points available in wallet (if any) shall be show as “Zero” points.