FAǪs for Candidates

No. GetMedJob.com is an online recruitment platform that connects candidates looking for jobs in various functional departments of Healthcare Sector.

This recruitment platform caters to recruitment requirements of all industries in the healthcare sector. For example Pharma, Medical Devices, In-Vitro Diagnostics, Biotechnology, Lifesciences, Hospital (all departments), Pathology labs, Radiology centres, Ayurvedic Pharma, Homeopathy, Nutraceuticals, Laboratory & Scientific Instruments, Hospital Furniture, Surgical and Sutures, Disinfectants, O.T. and ICU equipment and many more.

Yes. If you are working in Healthcare sector in Accounts & Admin OR interested to switchover to Healthcare sector in Accounts & Admin function, you can get enough relevant opportunities at GetMedJob platform. This platform is for the jobs in all departments/functional area in healthcare sector.

Yes. If you are working in Healthcare sector in Accounts & Admin OR interested to switchover to Healthcare sector in Accounts & Admin function, you can get enough relevant opportunities at GetMedJob platform. This platform is for the jobs in all departments/functional area in healthcare sector.

No. GetMedJob is not a placement or consultancy firm. We do not charge you as full or part of your salary etc. There is a nominal registration fee of INR 299/- valid for 3 months. This is more than suXicient time and we are confident that you will surely get suitable job during this period!

We do not believe in “bait” mechanism wherein user is allured of FREE CV upload and then ask for heavy additional amounts to make CV Visible to employer and to avail advanced features etc. So in practical the Free CV upload is of no use except for your psychological satisfaction. In principle if you are not paying anything on other job portal, you are not getting any services as well.

We are serious to help you find a job in Healthcare sector. In order to maintain the relevancy of candidate who are actually on the lookout for a job, a nominal payment of INR299/- reflects your seriousness for the job.

We will ensure that all eXorts are put in to share your CV with the prospective employers looking for similar experience and other traits.

You get all services fully functional like chat with prospective employer, job application status like Pending, Shortlisted or Rejected, Matching jobs to your criteria and skill sets by our intelligent algorithm etc.

We have full faith in your wisdom that you would definitely give more weightage to your career than INR299/-, which is actually equivalent to or lesser than the cost of a small Pizza or CoXee at Café.

We have given you an option to “Hide your CV from Current Employer”. Once you select it, your CV wont be visible to your current employer. However, you need to ensure that you have mentioned your existing company name in full and correctly spelled. This is an automatic feature and shall be considering the spelling and full name of company mentioned by candidate and employer.

You have to pay a nominal INR299 for Resume Builder services. We do not charge heavy one your pockets like other job portals.

For any job posted by employer there are number of suitable candidates for the required job profile. In order to “Stand Apart” from the crowd and get “Noticed”; you need to take one or more Assessment Tests. Candidates having shown good result of Assessment Test on their profile have 70% more chances to get shortlisted for the interview.

Once you pay for the selected assessment test, you would be shared link to access our online library free of cost. This shall be relevant to the Assessment test that you have opted for. You can take test within one month from the date of payment. Failure to take test within 30 days from payment shall deactivate link and no refund shall be applicable.

Once you finish your online test, your score is displayed. At this point you can choose if you want to display the result on your profile or not. If you chose not to display the results on profile, it will not be shown.

You can take a re-test but it shall be considered as a new attempt. So you will have to make payment again and follow the same process to take test again.

No, you can not upload multiple CVs at one point of time. However, you can share customised CV for each job that you are applying for. Once you click on “Apply” for the job, you again get an option to change/re-load you CV. Here you can upload customised CV. Your CV in the profile remains same however your customised CV is shared with the prospective employer.

Yes, you can edit your profile data at any point of time and as many time as you want.

Yes, no problem. You will get the refund of the excess amount. Just raise submit your contact number on “Register a Call Back” section on the website footer or on “Contact Us” page. A ticket shall be raised and any amount received in excess shall be initiated for refund. Normally you will receive the refund in your account within 5-7 days.